Archive | February, 2010

Tantric Numerology

4 Feb

Tantric Numerolgy

Go this address to get your numerology it is amazing-

Tantric numerology has its roots in ancient yogic and tantric teachings, yet it is truly Aquarian. It teaches about the ten bodies of the human psyche–soul body, negative mind, positive mind, neutral mind, physical body, arc line, aura, pranic body, subtle body, and radiant body. The relationships and balance of these ten bodies effect how humans act. Anyone can achieve balance–it just takes applied consciousness. In order to be whole we must get to know all these parts of ourselves and learn how to integrate and coordinate them. The art and science of the ten bodies allows you to realize that any disharmony you experience can be identified and then restored to harmony. It’s a practical model for understanding your own psyche, and it gives you a technology to practice that allows you to achieve balance in your life. The real gift of the ten bodies system of numerology is how quick and simple it is–it teaches you to consciously access all the great, powerful parts of yourself. But in order to really change your life, you have to do what it takes to master each body. That’s where the technology comes in, and only you can do it for yourself. Numerology and Tantric Numerology by Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa

The Ten Bodies

Your ten bodies are your God-given, powerful capacities as a human being. They allow you to be joyfully creative, obedient to your higher consciousness, and to see the spirit in everyone.

1. The SOUL body: The core essence of one’s consciousness. The part of you which is infinite and undying.
2. The NEGATIVE mental body: The protective function of the mind which is sensitive to dangers and warns us of them.
3. The POSITIVE mental body: The positive, solution oriented part of the mind.
4. The NEUTRAL mental body: The listening and evaluating mind. It receives input from the negative and positive minds and reaches a sane and balanced conclusion.
5. The PHYSICAL body: The vehicle in which we live and travel.
6. The ARC body: The antenna of the consciousness and transmitter of our intuitive awareness.
7. The AURIC body: The electromagnetic field of the physical body. It is the circumvent or protective force.
8. The PRANIC body: The subtle energy layer that transmutes pranic energy from the environment to power the physical body.
9. The SUBTLE body: The subtle sensitivity of communication with others and with the environment.
10. The RADIANT body: The projective luminosity that embodies nobility, grace, power, and leadership.”

Numerology and Tantric Numerology by Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa

Bleeding Colourful Heart

3 Feb


Through painting I feel an immersion of love and through my expression I find purity and truth.

My view on life becomes fresh and new as if I just walked out of a spa. The feeling continues as I walk on through the rest of my day. I am find that I am a happier person that is in tune with my thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

I have a renewed take on life and an appreciation of each day that I am blessed with. Why waste another day doing what I do not want to do! Instead I breathe, I eat to nourish my body, mind, and soul. I close each day with a peaceful mind & soul.

When I choose to express myself through art, I find a whole new meaning and emotion come over me. I am building myself to the person I always wanted to be. That in it self is the miracle of life.

Experiencing all life has to offer and surrendering to do what you love. You will learn to deepen your soul fulfillment and heal yourself by adding the subtle vibrations of love in all you do.

Sat Nam.

Love & Light,

Coley b.

this life is not for wasting it is for reaching the wonderland of your own consciousness” YB

Aura Paintings-Painting Your Aura

2 Feb

Painting is an expression that is free forming, moving, and alive. It flows onto the canvas with wonderful colours and excitement.
Each painting is completely customized and each colour is painted with feelings which I hope sparks something and touches those that see my art.

Art  is a passion which glows inside me and I hope translates with my Aura paintings. A new passion of mine is to paint Auras which express feelings of Serenity, Peace, Love, Happiness, and Life.

I also paint individual Aura’s by using a technique which allows me to find your very own colours that will  radiate your personality, which I artistically reflect in your own personal Aura Painting. By having your aura painted it will help you to know yourself better so you will be more confident in the world around you. You will start to embark on the journey of self.

Your aura is said to be a kind of radiation of light around you, filled with different colours that represent your personality. I do not claim to see your aura but, however I paint from the vibration and feeling I get from each person. Then, I  transfer the feeling or emotions  on the canvas using a vast array of colours.

Art allows me to see and feel what others want to see – I believe I bring a piece of that person’s imagination to life and give them peace.

I have always been very spiritual and this is a new gateway to heal others through art and colour. If you are interested in having your aura painted please call 416.809.8104 to book an appointment with Coley b.

Think, Be Peace,

Feel, Be Love,

Love, Be Light.


May Love and Light surround you. Sat Nam