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27 May

by Coley b.

By Coley b.

By Coley b.

by Coley b.

by Coley b.

by Coley b.

Vegan Goddess in 30 days and Glowing!

20 Apr

Sat Nam. Before giving any other introductions, I’d like to present myself to you as Truth. Sat=Truth, Nam=Identity/Name.

Okay, now we can continue… Nicole Bloomberg here!

Loving you, honoring all you beautiful souls out there that are connecting to yourself and feeling Gorgeous.

This diet has allowed me to feel light, airy, and radiant. My skin is glowing and I have lost 8 pounds.

I became vegan for 30 days and it was not that hard. Well, maybe on Passover when I could not eat bread.

But, it is all little changes that are healthier for your body and you will start to feel amazing inside and out.

I had profound changes like a love for animals and dogs, being more in tune with my self, and conscious of

what was going into my body and becoming more green. It make you a better person and happier also.

I chose to do it for 30 days as a detox however, I do not think I will eat meat or dairy again. As for now, I am

eating fish a few times a week and will see how I feel. You need to do what is good for you and you can

always start small and flirt with the idea.Try “Meatless Mondays” and ease into the lifestyle. You will be

healthier and help save the environment. I am excited to start growing my own veggies in my backyard.

Things I changed:

1). COOK AT HOME!!! Divide you plate so that 1/2 is veggies, 1/4 is grains, and then pick your protein.

2). Earth Balance butter-vegan and tastes the same as butter

3) Toffuti cream cheese –If you are kosher it is parve. ItTry being vegan for 30 days and see how you feel! tastes like temptee cream cheese

4). Veggie Cheese- when melted tastes the same. If you want to lose weight great choice and good on Ezekiel bread or baked potato.

5). Macrobiotic cooking.

6). Milk:Soy, Rice, or Almond Milk.

7). Eating out:When going out to eat choose healthy choices like tofu, veggies, and brown rice.Eating in international restaurants will make it easy to find something.

8). Explore new foods.

Here are categories of Vegetarians:

What do Vegetarians eat?

The PASSIONATE VEGETARIAN approach avoids labeling people, suggesting that ways of eating, and other people, be considered more fluidly. Besides, labeling so often leads to filing away, writing off, and just generally diminishing others).
BUT, particularly when individuals are starting to nose around ways of eating which may be new to them, they often want definitions and a way to think in categories. This is concomitant with the “What do vegetarians eat?” question.
So, here are the commonly defined “types” of vegetarians:
Vegans Vegans eat only foods of plant origin, no foods of animal origin; that means, no eggs, dairy products, or honey. Soyfoods, legumes, nuts and seitan form the protein building blocks, and are rounded out by grains, fruits, and vegetables.
Lacto-Ovo Vegetarians
Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat as above with the addition of dairy products (lacto) and/or eggs (ovo). This, in common parlance, is the style of eating most often meant in America when people refer to “vegetarian.” Lacto-ovo food choices, in other words, do contain some foods of animal origin, but no foods composed of the animal’s actual flesh, or products thereof (for instance, if rice was cooked in chicken stock, it would not be acceptable to your typical lacto-ovo vegetarian).
Pesce-Vegetarians (sometimes called Pescetarians)
In addition to the foods above, pesce-vegetarians eat fish. (Most vegans and lacto-ovo vegetarians do not, by the way, consider those who eat fish “real” vegetarians — you see why definitions can create divisions between people?)
“Vegetarian Sympathizers” Folks who do eat meat, fish, and chicken — but perhaps much less than they once did, and perhaps more carefully (they may choose organically raised meats). They lean somewhat towards a low- or no-meat way in their thinking. Frequently Sympathizers and Pesces are on the continuum towards a lacto-ovo or vegan way of eating.
As given on this site and in the book PASSIONATE VEGETARIAN, PV recipes are lacto-ovo, with plenty of vegan options, but always, always sensually pleasing regardless of how you define your way of eating. The recipes are frequently seasonal, not afraid of big flavors, and borrow notes from regional cuisines from all over the world. But PV attitude is just as important. It is inclusive, welcoming, non-proselytizing, and absolutely respectful of anyone’s food choices. PV’s know that just as you don’t have to “be” Italian to love Italian food, you don’t have to “be” a vegetarian to love vegetarian food. PV’s set a generous, delicious table — and everyone is welcome

I took the next step from Vegetarian to Vegan after reading the Kind Diet by Alicia Silverstone.Her website,, features her dishy blog, networking with like-minded users, and tons of info about her fave cruelty-free designers, products and restaurants. Check out her book and her yummy recipes.

Love and Light,

Coley B.

Why should we detox?

8 Apr

Check out this recent article I read on the website Food Matters:

Why Detox?

Our bodies naturally detoxify everyday as part of a normal body process. Detoxification is one of the body’s most basic automatic functions of eliminating and neutralizing toxins through the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, lymph and skin. Unfortunately in this day and age, with the pollution found in the air, water and food we eat, our bodies have a hard time keeping up. Our chemicalized diet with too much animal protein, too much saturated and trans fats, too much caffeine and alcohol radically changes our internal ecosystem.

Body systems and organs that were once capable of cleaning out unwanted substances are now completely over-loaded to the point where toxic material remains inside our tissues. Our bodies try to protect us from dangerous substances by setting it aside, surrounding it with mucous and fat so that it will not cause an imbalance or trigger an immune response (some people carry up to 15 extra pounds of mucous that harbors this waste)

Detoxification through special cleansing diets and colonics is the best way to assist your body’s natural self-cleaning system. It is especially important for immune-compromised diseases like cancer, arthritis, diabetes and chronic fatigue. However, even if your diet is good, a spring cleanse can revitalize your system and rid your body of harmful bacteria, viruses and parasites. It is a simple three step process.

Personally, I did not have the best experience with a colonic. I was backed up for 10 days and it was the only solution I could think of. It sure was the right answer and cleaned me out! But, it takes out the good bacteria so make sure that you take a probiotic or something that will put the good flora back in to your system so you are not depleted!

Check out their detox and rejuvination guide-

What you will get out of this Guide:

  • Break up and remove toxins
  • Rebuild your immune system as you replenish the nutrients
  • Raise your body’s energy levels
  • Eliminate gas and bloating
  • Reach your optimal weight, flatten your stomach
  • Look and feel better
  • Overcome allergies and illness
  • Know how to prepare nutritious meals for you and your family
  • Understand the principles of healing foods

We believe that your body is worthy of good care and that no one is more suitably qualified to care for it than yourself. Many of us are unknowingly suffering from food sensitivities and allergies which are preventing us from reaching optimal health and our ideal body weight.

I am not promoting their e-book because I have never read it but, look into detox diets and colonics for yourself and let me know your thoughts. I would love to hear them. You can email me at



Coley b.- Nicole Bloomberg

W:Check out

Hot Stone Massage & Aroma Therapy

6 Apr


Spring has sprung and so has all the aches and pains. It seems that everyone is in full swing and is busier then ever and so are their stress levels.Along with stress comes muscle tension and pain.

Here are some ways to relieve pain, stress, and arthritis:

Arthritis is a condition in which there is painful inflammation around the joints, most commonly in the hands, wrists, elbows, and knees, although it can be present in any joint. There are a number of kinds of arthritis, from osteoarthritis to rheumatoid arthritis. All forms of arthritis can see relief through the use of aromatherapy.

My hubby needed some chilax time so I treated him to a hot stone massage and just used stones that I collected from the beach. You can purchase hot stones from local stores to use.

I took a metal mixing bowl and dropped the stones in the bowl. Next, I filled the bowl with hot water and left the stones inside. I also used a hot compresses, you can add a few drops of essential oil to a bowl of hot (not scalding) water, submerge a cloth in the water, wring it out and place it around the affected area until the cloth cools to room temperature. Repeat several times. It is also very relaxing and helps to relieve stress.

Hot stone massage is an ancient technique that can be traced back to its roots in India, which is also the home of the Ayurvedic tradition. In order to fully understand the benefits of hot stone massage, a brief background on Ayurvedic principles will be helpful.

Ayurveda means “science of life,” and holds that the five elements – ether, air, fire, water, and earth – are all at play in any given human. Any healing tradition, it follows, will come from one of these five elements. As for the personal constitutions of each person, there are three doshas. Doshas are the way the elements manifest in any given person. Most people are stronger in one dosha than another, but have aspects of all three. If a person’s doshas are out of alignment with one another, this can manifest in energetic, mental, or physical illness.

In the case of hot stone massage, the vata dosha is balanced. The vata dosha is associated with air and movement, and is considered very important to keep in balance as it can cause the other two doshas, pitta and kapha will become unbalanced.

When you give the  hot stone massage, you can drape as in any other massage or just lay a towel on the floor and let the person your giving the massage to conenct with the ground.  I suggest  lighting some candles, soft music, and oil for mood. Stones may be placed on the torso, limbs, and face. Hot and cool stones will not be used at the same time except on the face. The hot stones may simply be placed on the body, or they may be used to massage muscles in order to help muscles relax and release. Both the heat and the smoothness of the stone are effective in releasing muscle tension. You can click the stones together before applying them to the body – this is said to activate the stones and also lets the person know that the stones are about to be applied.

So what’s your aroma – Astrology and Aromatherapy

Fire Signs: – Aries, Leo and Sagittarius.


  1. Rose
    The raw energy of Aries and a fully blossomed rose may not seem to go together, but imagine the intense blood red of the bloom and the its presence in this list is fitting. The rose’s therapeutic fragrance in addition to calming the mind and getting the body into a state of harmony, is a very strong love perfume
  2. Pine
    Pine and my promotion of its clean fragrance may be getting a little too familiar for my readers. Keeping it short and sweet, pine’s fragrance characteristic of freshness and vitality, makes its frequent appearance well derved, indeed!
  3. Lemon
    Lemon – Not a stranger to us, be it in terms of its refreshing flavour, both to the tongue and to the nose. Since we are more concerned about the latter here, it has an interesting combination of being energizing as well as calming on the mind and body. Not only does the humble lemon work as a stimulant, it doubles up as a blood purifier too.
  4. Cinnamon
    As I mentioned with pine, Cinnamon pops in here again with the fire sign of Aries. Its spicy and stimulating fragrance works on you as energizing tonic and a heady aprodisiac


  1. Rose
  2. Patchouli
    Patchouli does lend itself to the flamboyance of a Leo, both in terms of its colour (either of a light golden yellow or of a deep golden brown depending on the distillation method) and its rejuvenating fragrance.
  3. Musk
    Musk is something I can very distinctly relate to a Leo’s sense of ’sweep-you-off-your-feet’ – intoxicating, exhilirating and extremely exciting. A very physical perfume, affecting your instinct deeply.
  4. Lemon


  1. Pine
    (As I promised earlier, no more words from me on Pine, look up at Aries)
  2. Musk
    Musk is as becoming on a fiery Sagittarius as it on a flamboyant Leo.
  3. Muguet
    Relatively unknown and unheard of, muguet is a variation of the very famous lily of the valley. Its extremely rare, because it apparently grows only in a small area in France. As with anything rare, its priceless in its virtue. Think French, think sensuality and that is exactly what this embodies.
  4. Myrrh
    Fiery Sagittarius and musty Myrrh go together awakening spiritual zeal within.
  5. Hyacinth
    Sprouting from the blood of the ill-fated Hyacinthus, a lasting tribute to love and youth, the hyacinth works as a sedative curing insomnia and calming.

Air Signs

See full size image

Now, getting down to the air signs – Gemini, Libra and Aquarius


  1. Violet
    Produced from both the leaf and the violet flower itself, the oil affects the body as much or even more than it affects the mind, which makes it an oil to be reckoned with. In addition to its calming properties, it is interestingly used to draw out introverts!
  2. Lavender
    Calming, relaxing and balancing, lavender is essentially Gemini!
  3. Heliotrope
    Marvelous in its distinct blend of scents, heliotrope is derived from Heliotropium arborescens, a flower originally from Peru. Heliotrope’s fragrance combines in itself a dash of the woody with the fruity and a hint of vanilla, exuding a unparalleled smell!
  4. Mimosa
    Mimosa reminds me of a cocktail I had of the same name . Dreamy and ethereal, a fragrance leading to a starry world, rich in imagination. The perfume truly gets the creative juices flowing , what with all the imagination spurring and artistic thought awakening!
  5. Frankincense
    Frankincense is prepared from the resin obtained from the bark of a boswellia tree. Frankincense is of supreme importance in religion (The three wise men in the Bible carried gold, frankincense and myrrh.) The perfume is clarifying and promotes a sense of awareness, which is of extreme importance in spiritual pursuits.


Calm, gentle and fresh – Just as these words personify Librans in all their glory, the 3L-oils manifest the same.

  1. Lily of the valley
    Floral and fresh, Lily of the valley is a very soothing fragrance.
  2. Lavender
  3. Lemon


  1. Jasmine
    Well known and well loved fragrances the world across, Jasmine’s stimulant and aphrodisiacal properties are not new to us.
  2. Lavender
  3. Patchouli
  4. Lemon

Earth Signs


  1. Ambergris
    Ambergris is a gray waxy substance produced naturally by sperm whales and is present in this list due to sweet and earthy odor. It acts a tonic and stimulant, strengthening the brain and the heart.
  2. Patchouli
    There are a couple of essential oils that are associated with more than one sign, and patchouli is one of those many . If you remember from my earlier post on water signs, patchouli is used as a tonic and a body-mind balancing oil, in addition to it being used widely as a skin restorative and rejuvenating agent.
  3. Musk
    Musk – The very word triggers off a heady, earthy and a sweep-you-off-your-feet fragrance. It essentially awakens your instinct and spurs on your body’s capacity for self healing.
  4. Jasmine
    As I mentioned with Patchouli, Jasmine makes it entry again with the earth sign of Taurus. Stimulating and emotionally healing effects makes Jasmine very essential indeed


  1. Rose
    Extremely becoming of a very feminine Virgo, the rose is rightly popular for its use in matters of the heart. Calming and powerful at the same time, without being a sedative, rose either as an oil application or a body gel would set the mood for your day as well as your night right!
  2. Lavender
    Lavender’s therapeutic properties of soothing and calming the body and mind make its reappearance in this list justifiable.
  3. Patchouli
  4. Honeysuckle
    Honeysuckle evokes in my mind memories of the sweet and earthy fragrance of the yellow and white tiny blossoms. This oil works more on your emotions than your body making it a very nostalgic perfume.
  5. Wintergreen
    The name itself, in my opinion lets us on in its refreshing properties. Used to relieve muscle pain and for general wellness, wintergreen’s energising and rejuvenating properties are put to good use in general medicine.
  6. Bay
    A staple in your kitchen, bay is known for its stimulating and tonic properties, enhanced by its intoxicating fragrance.


  1. Carnation
    Carnation too makes a renetry here, due to its uplifting and stimulating effects on the body.
  2. Pine
    The clean fragrance of pine again is something I have already talked about.Not only does it promote a clarity in the thought process, its refreshing and revitalizing effects on the brain reflect instantaneously on the body too.

You can use the oils and burn in a candle and put it in your office, bath, or room to get your creative juices flowing or just to relax.


Nicole ( Coley B.)

Tantric Numerology

4 Feb

Tantric Numerolgy

Go this address to get your numerology it is amazing-

Tantric numerology has its roots in ancient yogic and tantric teachings, yet it is truly Aquarian. It teaches about the ten bodies of the human psyche–soul body, negative mind, positive mind, neutral mind, physical body, arc line, aura, pranic body, subtle body, and radiant body. The relationships and balance of these ten bodies effect how humans act. Anyone can achieve balance–it just takes applied consciousness. In order to be whole we must get to know all these parts of ourselves and learn how to integrate and coordinate them. The art and science of the ten bodies allows you to realize that any disharmony you experience can be identified and then restored to harmony. It’s a practical model for understanding your own psyche, and it gives you a technology to practice that allows you to achieve balance in your life. The real gift of the ten bodies system of numerology is how quick and simple it is–it teaches you to consciously access all the great, powerful parts of yourself. But in order to really change your life, you have to do what it takes to master each body. That’s where the technology comes in, and only you can do it for yourself. Numerology and Tantric Numerology by Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa

The Ten Bodies

Your ten bodies are your God-given, powerful capacities as a human being. They allow you to be joyfully creative, obedient to your higher consciousness, and to see the spirit in everyone.

1. The SOUL body: The core essence of one’s consciousness. The part of you which is infinite and undying.
2. The NEGATIVE mental body: The protective function of the mind which is sensitive to dangers and warns us of them.
3. The POSITIVE mental body: The positive, solution oriented part of the mind.
4. The NEUTRAL mental body: The listening and evaluating mind. It receives input from the negative and positive minds and reaches a sane and balanced conclusion.
5. The PHYSICAL body: The vehicle in which we live and travel.
6. The ARC body: The antenna of the consciousness and transmitter of our intuitive awareness.
7. The AURIC body: The electromagnetic field of the physical body. It is the circumvent or protective force.
8. The PRANIC body: The subtle energy layer that transmutes pranic energy from the environment to power the physical body.
9. The SUBTLE body: The subtle sensitivity of communication with others and with the environment.
10. The RADIANT body: The projective luminosity that embodies nobility, grace, power, and leadership.”

Numerology and Tantric Numerology by Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa

Who’s up for a Good Parable?

31 Jul

An old man, a child and a mule enter town. The child rides the mule as the old man holds the reins.

As they enter town, they overhear talk of “What an awful child! How can he let that old man walk in the heat?”

The child decides to switch with the old man, and let him ride the mule.

They venture further into town, only to overhear the townspeople say, “What an awful old man! How can he let that child break his back while he rides the mule?”

The distraught old man and the child decide to put their bags on the mule, and to both hold the reins. As they do this, they overhear, “How can those two pile all those bags on that poor mule?”

Finally, the old man and the child decide to carry their bags and walk the mule through town.

A man approaches them and says, “You guys are idiots, why are you wasting a perfectly good mule?”


Marketing and subsequently social media is a world where you can not please everyone. Hone in and connect with your key stakeholders.