5 Ways to get glowing skin & 5-Minute Flat Belly

22 Mar

Ways to get Glowing Skin and a Flat Belly

1. 6 leaves of romaine lettuce gives you vitamin A and Vitamin K
2. Tomatoes-helps collagen
3 .Strawberries-loaded with vitamin C helps with fine lines
4. Strawberries dipped in dark chocloate-flavanoids in cocoa helps increase circulation in skin ( real cocoa dark chocolate)
5. Complex Carbohydrates whole grains-decrease elasticity that sugar causes
Anti-aging trail mix
GO NUTS: Almonds, peanuts, walnuts- brain has the most omega 3’s, pistachio’s-good for vision and put Tumeric on nuts!
5-Minute Flat Belly Meals: Trim your tummy with 28 fast, easy, MUFA-rich recipes

Yummy Recipe-Fire Roasted Artichokes

22 Mar

Grilled Artichokes

Put artichokes in cold water before cooking so it keeps its green colour!Ingredients

2 large artichokes

1 lemon, quartered

3/4 cup olive oil

4 cloves garlic, chopped

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground black pepper


Fill a large bowl with cold water. Squeeze the juice from one lemon wedge into the water. Trim the tops from the artichokes, then cut in half lengthwise, and place halves into the bowl of lemon water to prevent them from turning brown.

Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Meanwhile, preheat an outdoor grill for medium-high heat.

Add artichokes to boiling water, and cook for about 15 minutes. Drain. Squeeze the remaining lemon wedges into a medium bowl. Stir in the olive oil and garlic, and season with salt and pepper.

Brush the artichokes with a coating of the garlic dip, and place them on the preheated grill. Grill the artichokes for 5 to 10 minutes, basting with dip and turning frequently, until the tips are a little charred. Serve immediately with the remaining dip.

Per Serving Calories: 402 | Total Fat: 40.7g | Cholesterol: 0mg


21 Mar

If you care about your health, want to be healthier, learn something new, or learn a new yummy recipe then read on my friends. Here is an amazing way to feel great, lose weight, and save the planet and maybe yourself!

I have recently become a vegetarian.Now, I am not saying that everyone should become a veg but, it is a healthier lifestyle and is kinder to the animals. I picked up the book, Alicia Silverstone’s The Kind Diet which has a lot of  information and amazing recipes.

I thought I would share some of the information I learned and recipes. This diet is great even if you do not want to go over board with the whole vegetarian/vegan thing, if you just want to detox, or if you  just  want try not to eat meat or dairy for 30 days for a cleanse.

I have chosen to take the next step and go vegan for 30 days. Personally, I am trying to go vegan and see if I get that glowing skin and hair. It is worth the shot!

DIET: (noun) a way of living, or thinking, a day’s journey.

If anyone knows me then you know that I started this whole adventure because of wanting to be healthier and feel good. I was not in it to save the animals but, learning about the cruelty to animals combined with the effects on your body it will make you think twice or maybe not!

I personally like her book because her tone is soft and she encourages readers to flirt with the idea of becoming vegetarian and gives you the power of realizing why eating meat, chicken, dairy, and fish is bad for you.

In fact, her ultimate wish is that we all go beyond Vegan and become “Superheroes”, which is a sort of adapted macrobiotic approach. But Silverstone’s approach is so different…this is the book I would recommend to my non-veg friends who are flirting with the idea. And here are some reasons why:

1. Sharing tough information:
She shares all the same information about health and the environment and factory farming etc., but without the “how could you be such an idiot to put that in your body?”

  • She explains one of the most little-known facts of factory farming: How factories maximize milk production from dairy cows. Most of us who have never had a cow probably think dairy cows just produce milk. And then get milked. Relieving them of the milk they were making anyway. And no, that’s not the case. Cows produce milk just like humans do, when there’s a baby to drink it. So dairy cows are repeatedly impregnated, so they’ll keep giving milk. Those babies are taken away to become veal calves or dairy cows themselves. And just like humans, pregnancy and birth is hard on the body. The life span of dairy cows is incredibly short. [You can read more about it at Unhappycows.org.]
  • Dairy is linked to diabetes and it is perceived as an attacker. Your body will begin to fight it’s own pancreas and eventually will destroy it’s ability to produce insulin.
  • Sugar causes hormonal imbalance, depression, migraines, fatigue, and cancer.
  • Anything white like white bread has sugar. Cut out white rice, white bread, and white sugar. White sugar suppresses your immune system. ” When the liver has to much gunk to handle, it deposits the extra toxins in the tissue of your body, leaving a messy toxic situation that weaken your immunity.
  • White sugar leaches vitamins and minerals from your blood and bones. Your body gives up vitamin and minerals in order to process all the all the sugars.
  • Meat causes cancer, number one killer of women is heart disease, contributes to osteoporosis, hard to digest, believed to exacerbate gout, contribute to rheumatoid arthritis, major factor in kidney stones.
  • Eggs increase inflammation
  • Meat is hard to digest & meat has no fiber. It gets stuck and causes and acidic environment. High meat consumption is a recognized factor in conditions like colitis, diverticulitis, and even colon cancer.
  • Meat is full of antibioticss: Because animals get sick, they are given antibiotics as a preventative measure. It goes to fish, meat, and chicken. Alicia Silverstone says, before yelling, ” Yay! Free Drugs!” you should know a thing or two: When you take unneccessary antibiotics by eating meat, (a) your own healthy intestinal bacteria gets wiped out, making you less able to fight off disease, and (b) the bacteria that the drugs are designed to kill eventually morph into smarter and stronger versions of themselves.”
  • Meats carry pathogens.
  • Meat is full of hormones: Excess hormones are linked to cancers, including breast and prostate.
  • Fish has mercury:Smaller fish and seafood like salmon, cod, shrimp, and trout have lower levels of mercury, while swordfish, tile, mackarel, and tuna have the highest. But they all contain mercury, which has been shown to damage the brain, kidneys, lungs, and is particularly dangerous to pregnant women and their growing babies.
  • Meat contributes to global warming and climate change. Meat wastes water, factory farming creates toxic sludge, animals eat a lot of food.
  • We’re destroying the rain forest and we are messing the ocean.
  • Dairy does NOT prevent osteoporosis-the more you consume the weaker your bones get. Milk does offer calcium, it causes the body to release more of it. So you are actually losing. “Sea veggies, sesame seeds, leafy greens, and beans all kick milks butt.”
  • Dairy makes you fat. If a baby calf has a cow’s milk and it is supposed to grow to 500 pounds what do you think it is doing to you?
  • Milk underlies asthma and allergies. ” Human immune system recognizes milk from another species as an attacker or allergen.
  • Dairy is bad for your heart like meat is full of saturated fat, cholesterol, which clog arteries to your heart.
  • Low carb diet will make you constipated & have bad breath.
  • Beware of EGG LABELING, beware of “free-range” eggs. Free-range has no legal definition in U.S. The only certifications that pertain to animal treatment are ” Certified Humane Raised and handled” ( beware of imposters; those exact words must be printed on the label) and ” Certified Organic,” which also upholds relatively humane standards.

3. Accommodating and understanding baby steps
Another common theme when I write about veganism is that I think any step an individual takes towards it is better than taking no steps at all. I think that no one is the perfect compassionate-to-all-beings human, not even the Dalai Lama, so until we achieve perfect, it’s better to do what we can until we can do better. Silverstone breaks down the veg diet into three categories, Flirts, Vegans, Superheroes. She shares many tactics for easing into her full-on approach, and she shares the baby steps are important steps philosophy.

4. Emphasizing fresh, whole foods
This book if anything will inspire you to do better, is that so wrong? Particularly with the Superhero section, but also throughout, “The Kind Diet” focuses on really healthy, fresh, whole foods, but works to provide simple ideas about how to make them a part of your daily routine, quickly and conveniently.

5. Recipes that are simple, yet bring something new to the (vegan) table. I will write another blog soon and give some yummy recipes or email me if you want some cb@livreal.com
What food you should buy:

I would recommend to start small.

  • Replace milk with soy , almond or rice milk. ( too much soy is not good because it has estrogen)
  • Replace white rice with whole grains like: brown rice, quinoa, wild rice, farro, millet, barley, whole oats. soba noodles, whole grain, and cous cous ( gluten free is better)
  • Ezekiel bread is great!
  • Buy organic veggies and meat
  • Try to stop eating fish that are high in mercury
  • Start juicingyou will feel great, have more energy, and fight cancer.
  • Eat beans, beans, and more beans. Will keep you regular, gives you 25% of calories from protein ( steak is 20%), 5% of unsaturated calories from fat ( steak is 80% from fat and mostly saturated), helps discharge excess hormones, high in fiber, and 70% of calories from complex carbohydrates.
  • Sugar products replace white sugar with natural like: Stevia, Agave, Brown Rice Syrup, Barley Malt, Maple Syrup, and Fruit.
  • Bread- whole grain like whole wheat sourdough
  • Other whole grain like: cous-cous, noodles, and mochi
  • Beans: chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, or any.
  • Fruit: Get what grows in your climate.
  • Seasonings: unrefined sea salt, shoyu, umeboshi vingegar.
  • Oils: olive, safflower, flaxseed
  • Snack foods: fresh fruit, figs, raisins, trail mix, edamame, toast, cereal, peanut butter & jelly, soy or rice smoothies, cinammon-raisin mochi, toasted whole wheat tortillas, ramen soups, and anything else that makes your heart sing. Popcorn with melted earth balance butter.
  • Vegetables: leafy green, kale, dandelion, onions, cabbage, winter squash, daikon, carrots, lettuce, and cucumbers. ( note: potatoes, tomotatoes, and eggplant are not so good they increase inflammation)
  • Tofu-great meat substitute or stir fry with veggies and take a break from meat.
  • Fruit-sweetened Jam
  • Non-dairy malt-sweetened chocolate
  • MAGIC FOODS: Umeboshi Plums- super-sour pickled plums are salted and pressed with shiso leaves, which gives a pinkish red color. Alkalizing to the blood, umeboshi help to buffer excess acidity from white sugar and alcohol and are even helpful against the common cold.They are great fro digestion, diarrhea, and recovery from sugar benders.( check out cure all tea)
  • Cure-ALL tea- I LOVE IT!- 1 Kukicha tea bag, 1/4-1/2 umeboshi plum ( pit removed and finely chopped), 3-5 drops of Shoyu ( light tamari soy sauce). This tea is suggested for hangovers, when you’ve eaten alot of white sugar, soothe digetion and release trapped gas, to

    learn about the kind diet and ways you can get healthy.

    reduce heartburn, for nausea, if you are weak or spacey.

  • Miso soup!
  • Sea veggies are tumour inhibitors.Hijiki, arame, wakame, kombu, and nori are high in minerals and protein, they are alkalizing and detoxifying to the blood.

O.K., so that was lot of info that I shared maybe too much. I am sharing because I care about all of you and want you to live optimally and a full-life. I will be updating with my recipes, my progress, and some more tips. Also, check out local restaurants that are vegetarian, go to farmer markets, whole food, or try a vegetarian recipe that you find online. You will be amazed that there is a whole world of food and possibilities.

We have all been trained to eat a certain way and if we don’t start the change in our homes the world will never change! Be the change you want to see in the world.

Send me your comments and recipes.




Tantric Numerology

4 Feb

Tantric Numerolgy

Go this address to get your numerology it is amazing-



Tantric numerology has its roots in ancient yogic and tantric teachings, yet it is truly Aquarian. It teaches about the ten bodies of the human psyche–soul body, negative mind, positive mind, neutral mind, physical body, arc line, aura, pranic body, subtle body, and radiant body. The relationships and balance of these ten bodies effect how humans act. Anyone can achieve balance–it just takes applied consciousness. In order to be whole we must get to know all these parts of ourselves and learn how to integrate and coordinate them. The art and science of the ten bodies allows you to realize that any disharmony you experience can be identified and then restored to harmony. It’s a practical model for understanding your own psyche, and it gives you a technology to practice that allows you to achieve balance in your life. The real gift of the ten bodies system of numerology is how quick and simple it is–it teaches you to consciously access all the great, powerful parts of yourself. But in order to really change your life, you have to do what it takes to master each body. That’s where the technology comes in, and only you can do it for yourself. Numerology and Tantric Numerology by Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa

The Ten Bodies

Your ten bodies are your God-given, powerful capacities as a human being. They allow you to be joyfully creative, obedient to your higher consciousness, and to see the spirit in everyone.

1. The SOUL body: The core essence of one’s consciousness. The part of you which is infinite and undying.
2. The NEGATIVE mental body: The protective function of the mind which is sensitive to dangers and warns us of them.
3. The POSITIVE mental body: The positive, solution oriented part of the mind.
4. The NEUTRAL mental body: The listening and evaluating mind. It receives input from the negative and positive minds and reaches a sane and balanced conclusion.
5. The PHYSICAL body: The vehicle in which we live and travel.
6. The ARC body: The antenna of the consciousness and transmitter of our intuitive awareness.
7. The AURIC body: The electromagnetic field of the physical body. It is the circumvent or protective force.
8. The PRANIC body: The subtle energy layer that transmutes pranic energy from the environment to power the physical body.
9. The SUBTLE body: The subtle sensitivity of communication with others and with the environment.
10. The RADIANT body: The projective luminosity that embodies nobility, grace, power, and leadership.”

Numerology and Tantric Numerology by Dr. Guruchander Singh Khalsa

Bleeding Colourful Heart

3 Feb


Through painting I feel an immersion of love and through my expression I find purity and truth.

My view on life becomes fresh and new as if I just walked out of a spa. The feeling continues as I walk on through the rest of my day. I am find that I am a happier person that is in tune with my thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

I have a renewed take on life and an appreciation of each day that I am blessed with. Why waste another day doing what I do not want to do! Instead I breathe, I eat to nourish my body, mind, and soul. I close each day with a peaceful mind & soul.

When I choose to express myself through art, I find a whole new meaning and emotion come over me. I am building myself to the person I always wanted to be. That in it self is the miracle of life.

Experiencing all life has to offer and surrendering to do what you love. You will learn to deepen your soul fulfillment and heal yourself by adding the subtle vibrations of love in all you do.

Sat Nam.

Love & Light,

Coley b.

this life is not for wasting it is for reaching the wonderland of your own consciousness” YB

Aura Paintings-Painting Your Aura

2 Feb

Painting is an expression that is free forming, moving, and alive. It flows onto the canvas with wonderful colours and excitement.
Each painting is completely customized and each colour is painted with feelings which I hope sparks something and touches those that see my art.

Art  is a passion which glows inside me and I hope translates with my Aura paintings. A new passion of mine is to paint Auras which express feelings of Serenity, Peace, Love, Happiness, and Life.

I also paint individual Aura’s by using a technique which allows me to find your very own colours that will  radiate your personality, which I artistically reflect in your own personal Aura Painting. By having your aura painted it will help you to know yourself better so you will be more confident in the world around you. You will start to embark on the journey of self.

Your aura is said to be a kind of radiation of light around you, filled with different colours that represent your personality. I do not claim to see your aura but, however I paint from the vibration and feeling I get from each person. Then, I  transfer the feeling or emotions  on the canvas using a vast array of colours.

Art allows me to see and feel what others want to see – I believe I bring a piece of that person’s imagination to life and give them peace.

I have always been very spiritual and this is a new gateway to heal others through art and colour. If you are interested in having your aura painted please call 416.809.8104 to book an appointment with Coley b.

Think, Be Peace,

Feel, Be Love,

Love, Be Light.

Please view:www.coleybdezigns.com

May Love and Light surround you. Sat Nam


20 Aug

When The Real World started I was asked as an assignment in University to write about the phenomenon of reality TV shows and the exploitation of people’s lives.
I thought it was a fun assignment because I loved the Real World.

The question posed: Why are we all fascinated with people’s lives? Now, you look on television and all you see is reality TV shows. The Real World was just the beginning of TV shows with real people .

In the same year in University, I also joined a social networking site called Friendster. Friendster and Facebook are very similar when compared to one another.Facebook took off because they added the feature to share with the world your family and friends. It created an online frenzy! Now, you have the birth of new social networking sites everyday like Twitter.

The Real World showed us that people are real and they live like we do, have real problems, and are not celebrities. Social Networking sites gives us the ability to build online communities of people with similar interests across the world.

The realization is that the rule of six degrees of separation really holds true and it is a small world after all.People want to connect with one another on real levels and that is why we call our company LIV REAL. If you are not true to yourself how can you be true to those you encounter on an everyday level.

Who’s up for a Good Parable?

31 Jul

An old man, a child and a mule enter town. The child rides the mule as the old man holds the reins.

As they enter town, they overhear talk of “What an awful child! How can he let that old man walk in the heat?”

The child decides to switch with the old man, and let him ride the mule.

They venture further into town, only to overhear the townspeople say, “What an awful old man! How can he let that child break his back while he rides the mule?”

The distraught old man and the child decide to put their bags on the mule, and to both hold the reins. As they do this, they overhear, “How can those two pile all those bags on that poor mule?”

Finally, the old man and the child decide to carry their bags and walk the mule through town.

A man approaches them and says, “You guys are idiots, why are you wasting a perfectly good mule?”


Marketing and subsequently social media is a world where you can not please everyone. Hone in and connect with your key stakeholders.

Social Media as The Jerry Springer show

31 Jul


I remember when I was young staying up super late to watch Jerry Springer with my brother…

Why would I ever do this? I admit Jerry Springer was one of only two shows I ever defied my parents to stay up late and watch (the other being Siskel & Ebert). There was something about the show I thought was fascinating. I just didn’t know there were people like that in the world, and it always opened my eyes for better or worse. Oh, and it was totally hilarious as well.

Sometimes, when I am delving deep into a social media project or campaign I’m reminded of the Jerry, Steve and their weird, eclectic guests. I also get a tinge of nostalgia of how off-putting and involving the show was. Every time, I click on a link it’s as if I am entering a new world or culture that I had no idea existed.

Social Media for Business: THE NEW PR

29 Jul

Img9The digital landscape may not have replaced PR & marketing, but it is radically changing it. Social media has re-written the rule book when it comes to communciating with your audience(s).

In the new world of social media, communication is instantaneous; one click of a button can turn into thousands of reactions that can be positive or negative. Discussions that starts online can turn into tomorrow’s news.

You need to engage your audience, listen, and understand them. Everyone has a voice and it will be heard either through traditional news outlets, blogs, Facebook, Youtube, or Twitter. You need to kick PR into high gear and be ready to respond.

Traditional marketing methods are dying!  As a marketing company that specializes in social media and online branding, we are connectors that build the bridge between audiences and clients. The marketing/PR landscape is not the same. Public Relations is morphing into something that is more strategic, creative, and is offering greater value to consumers and brands. It is truly give and take.

For example: The New PR is allowing companies to start using different channels to engage their audience. Online contests are a popular way to drive traffic to a site or  micro-site using blogs, Youtube, Twitter, etc… Online initiatives compound the offline and make for greater success.
