Tag Archives: Ellen Show

Jonathan safran foer on ellen it is eye opening!

24 Mar

Check out this clip of Ellen DeGeneres interviewing Jonathan Safran Foer, the man who wrote Eating Animals.

Jonathan Safran Foer Interview On Ellen Show 11/04/2009:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YYZ7IlWo3BM&feature=related

Jonathan Safran Foer Talks About Our Health with Ellen 10´03´2010

Jonathan Safran Foer is a really respected and successful author.  Before Eating Animals, he wrote Everything Is Illuminated in 2002, and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close in 2005, and has won lots of awards for both of those books.
I think that the information he gives is eye opening. At least it has been to me. I have been organic and eating healthy for the past two years but, after going vegetarian and now deciding to go vegan might have been the best decision of my life. The more you learn the more you want to learn like the fact about how if everyone gave up meat for 1 meal a week, it’s the equivalent of 5 MILLION cars being taken off the roads.

I am not trying to make all my friends and family into vegetarians or vegans but, I think that little changes will help the environment and your health. I think if you start by trying to not eat meat one day on a week. Try Meatless Mondays! It is an individual choice and everyone needs to do what is best for them.

After he and his wife had their first child, Jonathan went vegetarian, and decided he was going to raise his kids vegetarian too.  That’s where the inspiration for Eating Animals came from.

Here are two website he said to go to: http://www.eatinganimals.com, which is his site and

www. farmforward.com, you can look up where to buy local meat that does not have anti-biotics.


Nicole Bloomberg of Coley b. deZigns
Love & Light: www.coleybdeZigns.com / www.livreal.com